We’re getting reports that the freezing problems in Fallout: New Vegas are pretty severe and that in some cases, it is preventing gamers from working their way through the campaign. The patcher doesn't include any copyrighted files so you'll need a legitimate copy of Fallout 3 to use it, and it should not be used to install Tale of Two Wastelands 3.2-use this downgrader instead. Product-Reviews writes: After receiving one or two dodgy reviews, the issues surrounding Fallout: New Vegas seem to be piling up, as the game has been suffering from frequent crashes and game freezes during play.

Once it's installed you can boot the game however you like-through Steam or GOG, the launcher, or any mod manager-but if you want FOSE to auto-load you'll need to do it with the Fallout3.exe directly, so you'll probably want to create a shortcut.

The patch will work with both the standard and Game of the Year editions of Fallout 3 on Steam or GOG. It also automatically loads FOSE when Fallout 3 is started (if it's installed) and enables the game to use 4GB of RAM: Some older Bethesda games, including Fallout 3, have a 2GB limit on RAM usage, and patching that up to 4GB can have a very positive impact on performance. Enter the Fallout Anniversary Patcher, by mod maker lStewieAl, which restores FOSE functionality by downgrading Fallout 3 to the pre-update version, while maintaining the removal of Games for Windows Live dependences.